通过完全集成的解决方案节省时间和金钱! 第二部分:


Our series introduction highlighted how implementing modern integrated solutions on the plant floor helps food plants save time and money while also increasing plant-floor efficiency. 从屠宰场设施到进一步加工工厂,食品工厂可能差别很大.  This blog focuses on modern solution integration on the kill floor of a small to medium sized food plant or abattoir facility.

《拉菲2在线登录注册》可能会招致很多负面报道. 屠宰场的透明度和能见度对屠宰场的生存至关重要. 他们经常要面对政府审计员的阻碍, 生产商的要求, 宗教礼仪要求和政治活动家. Therefore, a fully integrated data capture system can be a real lifeline to an abattoir facility. 通过实现一个集成的数据采集系统, abattoirs can have real time information about every animal or animal lot that has been processed through its facility. Solutions like Carlisle’s plant floor ERP give the processor or abattoir complete product traceability from animal receiving to the sale of the final product.

A typical solution designed to capture slaughter and animal/carcass information on the Kill Floor will integrate multiple components together. 车间ERP拉菲2注册登录, 活体动物鳞片, 胎体钢轨秤, RFID标签读取器, 条形码扫描仪, 标签打印机, and weighing / labeling software all need to be integrated together to make one complete solution.

动物收到 & 识别

许多小型工厂仍在手动安排和接收动物进入他们的设施. Whether the operators are physically writing or using spreadsheets to record animal information there is a good chance for human error to negatively affect the data being recorded.

有一个集成的工厂ERP系统,就像拉菲2在线登录注册公司的 拉菲2注册登录™, animal scheduling and receiving are integrated together to make a seamless connection between the front office and the receiving barn. Lot tags can be printed and kept with the animals or attached to the animal pens to help identify receiving lots. 当动物从谷仓移动到屠宰层时,这些标签会跟着它们.

根据屠宰场的不同,收集的动物收获信息可能有所不同. Some plants want to get live or near-live weights of all animals or animal lots coming into the facility. While other abattoirs want to start their data-collection with the hot weight of the animals.

When processing larger animals or animals with individual identification markers like ear tags, 大多数屠宰场希望获得活的或接近活的动物重量. At the live or near-live scale the receiving lot tag is scanned a long with each animal’s ear tag. 所有这些都是在动物的耳标还贴在动物身上的时候完成的. 这有助于防止与动物识别混淆. Associating the animal ear tags to each receiving lot will help with ear tag retirement and the gathering of carcass yield data. Once the lot tag and ear tag have been scanned and the animal has been weighed a carcass tag is generated. 接收批次中的每只动物都有自己独特的胴体标签. 尸体标签将跟随动物的尸体到热秤上.

As mentioned earlier, some abattoirs will start their data-collection process at the hot scale. 如果是这样的话, 然后,他们需要手动跟踪哪个胴体与哪个耳标相关联. 热秤站将需要能够关联耳标, 接收批次和热重一起获得热重胴体标签.


热秤是捕捉每具尸体数据的关键场所. 热秤称重和标签解决方案,如拉菲2在线登录注册 毅联汇业™应用程序,能够记录每个胴体或胴体侧面的属性. 这些属性将显示有关动物健康、年龄或胴体缺陷的详细信息.

The carcass is hung up on the hot scale to be weighed after the carcass has had the head and hide removed and been completely cleaned out. 对于较大的动物,尸体通常被分成两边,分别称重. The operator will scan the carcass tag from the live/near live station to pull up the correct carcass that is being weighed. 如果它已经分裂,操作员将指示哪一边正在称重. 胴体属性分配给被称重的那一半, 热重记录在胴体或胴体侧面. 新的胴体标签将被打印出来并钉在胴体上. The new carcass tag will show the hot weight and associate the carcass side all the way back to the original carcass, 耳标及收货批号. The hot weight combined with the live/near live weight will give the abattoir an accurate carcass dressing percentage.

冷秤:称重 & 产量报告

屠宰场设施是否具有冷标度取决于许多变量. 大多数小型处理器不使用冷秤. 这是因为额外的规模可能会很昂贵, 以及对每具尸体进行额外称重所带来的物理限制. They also often lack the proper data-collection capabilities to make it worth their time to try and calculate yields from the carcass’s cold weight.

胴体在冷却后的前24-48小时内体重显著减轻. 这是因为肉在冷却过程中水分流失了. 根据动物种类的不同,收缩量会有很大的不同, 脂肪百分比, 以及冷却器内部的环境条件.  

The data collected by an integrated plant floor ERP solution can be a huge asset when a cold scale is integrated into the solution. 屠宰场获得了看到其胴体平均收缩率的能力. This helps abattoirs reduce the average shrinkage percentages by allowing them to correct cooler conditions if need be. It also gives more data to abattoir facilities that are selling their slaughter and co-packing services to producers. 如果屠宰场设施依赖于产量报告, then the cold scale gives them another data point to be able to calculate and report on how much carcass mass was lost through shrinkage.


一个车间ERP系统,比如 拉菲2注册登录™, that’s designed for abattoirs and food processors will provide traceability and yield reporting from the animal receiving to the production of finished goods. 上面提到的每个不同的数据收集点都不是必需的, 但它们为收益率报告提供了更多的可见性. Abattoirs only interested in knowing the carcass dressing percentage will only use the live/near-live station and hot scale prior to issuing the carcasses to the cut floor. Abattoirs who also incorporate a cold scale will have visibility into both the carcass dressing percentage and the percentage of shrinkage happening in their coolers. After a carcass finishes its cooler chill time it should be ready to be issued into production.

The carcass tag pinned to each carcass will identify that carcass or side with a unique serial number that can be traced back to the original animal or receiving lot. 同样的标签可以用于将胴体扫描到生产批次. Most production facilities will issue multiple carcasses or sides to a single production batch.

在切割地板上,尸体正在被分解, 切片将按片称重并贴上标签, 盒子, 或组合. 称重和标签解决方案,如 毅联汇业™将允许作业者选择切削与哪个生产批次相关. 这将把每个部分联系起来, 盒子 或组合 back to the carcass or group of carcasses that were scanned out of the cooler and into the production batch.


It’s easy to see the value in adopting a modern integrated solution that can help capture Kill Floor data and track carcasses through slaughter and further processing. 收集到的数据为屠宰场或加工者提供了有价值的信息, 这使他们能够全面了解每具胴体或接收批次的历史.

拉菲2在线登录注册拥有超过30年的开发经验, 配置, 安装和支持完全集成的工厂地面解决方案. These solutions have helped countless numbers of food processors reduce inefficiencies and increase production throughput. 称重和标签解决方案,如 毅联汇业和车间ERP类型的系统,如 拉菲2注册登录™是专门为屠宰场和食品加工商建造的,以提高生产力, 提供可追溯性,提高车间效率. 配有综合杀伤层数据收集系统, 屠宰场能够克服来自内部和外部要求的障碍. 


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